by wing, fin, hoof, or foot
by wing, fin, hoof, or foot
A devised physical theater performance exploring immigration and migration.
Directed & Choreographed by Keelie Sheridan
Associate Directed by Yokko
Lighting Design by Robin Dill
Costume & Scenic Design by Valentin Eisele
Devising Ensemble: Clara Kundin, Angela Bilkic, Annie McCoy, Brantley Ivey, Efrén Sanchez, Fiamma Piacentini, Jennifer Marinelli, Jorge Luna, Karina Sindicich, Laura Aristovulos, Miles Butler, Raphael Anastas, & Sammy DeSimone
Production History:
2017 World Premiere produced by the Ume Group in residency at Grace & St. Paul’s Church
2018 New York Innovative Theatre Award Nominee for Outstanding Choreography
“Watching the Ume Group move through such areas of thought, and topics varying and rife with personal and distant conflict — I find relief in watching a group of people physicalize all of these complicated questions and subjects, turning them into fluid motion that is, sometimes simultaneously, unsettling and gorgeous.”